PICS Telecom

Develop telecoms circular economy and lower your networks’ environmental impact with PICS circular service suite.

PICS Telecom Circular Economy 1

PICS Telecom.

Develop telecom circular economy and lower your network’s environmental impact with PICS comprehensive green service suite.

The centre of telecom circular economy.

PICS Telecom Circular Economy 1

PICS Telecoms’ circular service suite is the first and only to achieve 0% landfill, whilst helping global network operators meet their CSR goals and still provide maximum OPEX & CAPEX savings. 

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An award-winning network provider with a 0% landfill target and accreditation. 

Working alongside:

Please view the product page to browse our primary platforms.


Investment recovery – The foundation of PICS Telecoms’ circular service suite. Established for over 30 years, PICS Investment recovery model tackles multiple sections of the waste hierarchy model which enables PICS partners to purchase, reuse, refurbish, re-sell and recycle network equipment whether Optical, wireless, IP, CPE or anything in between.

PICS Telecoms service stack, a win-win for PICS partners and our planet.

PICS Telecom IR suite

PICS Telecoms service stack.

A win-win for PICS partners

and our planet.

Invest in the green economy & our future

Investment recovery regeneration programs in collaboration with: One Tree Planted & The Big Blue Ocean Cleanup.

Kg of equipment recycled to date by PICS Telecom EMEA in 2023.



PICS Telecom is an award-winning,  green network solution provider. Backed with 30+ years of industry experience within the circular economy. PICS Telecom supports network operators of all sizes across the globe with environmentally sound network solutions, to upgrade, maintain and extend the life of their networks.

The circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended.

In practice, it implies reducing waste to a minimum. When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the economy wherever possible. These can be productively used again and again, thereby creating further value. 

Resource: PICS 101 The circular economy vs the linear economy

As the physical and digital infrastructure to support an increasingly connected world is scaled, the environmental repercussions of said development must be considered. PICS Telecom provides network solutions that provide the following:

1. Rapid response and lead times.
2. Green network solutions.
3. Cost efficiency, resulting in reduced CAPEX and OPEX expenditure.

PICS Telecom facilitates the development of a global network infrastructure whilst highlighting and taking action in response to multiple socio-economic/environmental factors.

To provide rapid, global, cost-effective network solutions, which simultaneously minify environmental harm.

In the news:

Established for over 30 years, a green network solution with global reach & scale.

PICS Telecom - Reused Telecoms Equipment Map

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