Regeneration: PICS Telecom & Green Up Britain 🌳

Regeneration: PICS Telecom & Green Up Britain 🌳

PICS Telecom EMEA Business Development and General Manager of the Middle Eastern territories, Max Douch along with International account manager Craig Martin took a break from their regular duties to join the efforts of Green Up Britain in their tree planting campaign. The collaboration between PICS Telecoms and Green Up Britain aims to promote environmental sustainability and help combat the effects of climate change.




The initiative seeks to offset carbon emissions and provide new habitats for wildlife while promoting community involvement in environmental conservation efforts.

PICS Telecom has been dedicated to promoting sustainable business practices. The collaboration with Green Up Britain is just one example of their commitment to environmental sustainability.

A piece from Green Up Britain’s website.

“We can limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade* if we act now.

By changing our lifestyles to be more mindful of what we’re buying and how we’re traveling, reducing our consumption of animal products (for our health as well as the planet), planting trees, re-greening and re-wilding whatever space(s) we can, and reducing the amount of water, energy, and plastic we’re using, we can make a big difference to all life on Earth.”

​*An increase above 1.5 degrees means:

  • Destabilisation and melting of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (causing a several-meter increase in sea level) 
  • Increased risk of extinctions, forest fires and transformation of ecosystems
  • Increased risk to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, and ultimately lives



PICS Telecom


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