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PICS Telecom field returns service:
Telecom field returns » Advances in technology continue to shorten product life cycles. This often leads to equipment either being left on-site or returned to warehouses where it gathers dust until the book value is written off and the equipment is recycled. The opportunity to secure ROI and generate revenue on this equipment is lost.
PICS Telecom offers a telecom field return service to collect and market your redundant CPE equipment which can additionally add significant value within the circular economy. In most cases the value of the redundant equipment could offset any transportation costs, generating a financial return to you.
Accurate Inventory:
PICS Telecom will upload full identification of your assets by HECI, manufacturer, part number, and serial number into your unique virtual warehouse allowing you to accurately track your inventory.
Whether your network equipment is being resold or reused PICS will ensure that all equipment is fit for purpose. As part of our refurbishment process PICS Telecom will provide light cosmetic refurbishment, removal of non-OEM labeling, and full cleaning of the unit including all fans.
Telecom equipment being returned from the field would typically not include key accessories allowing reuse. PICS Telecom ensures that all returns include brackets, power cords & cables to ensure they can be used as required.
Our world-class test labs allow us to perform power-on testing as well as in platform testing and interface connectivity testing of any returned units. PICS Telecom also ensures that any returned units are reset to the default configuration and all proprietary information is removed.
All items will be returned or re-sold fully repackaged using PICS Telecoms’ industry-leading packaging including outer box labeling.
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