PICS WEEE Compliant recycling services.

PICS WEEE Compliant recycling services.

View our flier here.

What is WEEE?

WEEE covers a vast majority of equipment, from household appliances that you would find in an everyday home to a data center filled with telecoms cabs that run networks and data between companies.

Technology is being made better and upgraded constantly. This means that people and businesses are acquiring more and more redundant equipment.

The E-waste industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.

Unfortunately, this also means that a lot of the waste is not handled correctly and ends up in landfill.

Why use PICS to recycle your e-waste? 

Specialist, accurate, transparent valuations, PICS has been one of the largest recyclers of telecom’s hardware in the world for the past 25 years and has built extensive knowledge on how to break down equipment to component level to ensure maximum yield of the precious metals held in equipment. This enables us to guarantee an accurate valuation of the recycling proceeds. 

In house recycling process 

PICS can guarantee your equipment will be broken down in house in our certified recycling center (classified as an Authorized Treatment Facility) and will only be sent to reputable smelters. PICS guarantees the highest standards of sustainable practice.

Peace of mind, secure data destruction

PICS can offer a point-to-point asset collection and destruction. This process ensures your data is not put at risk. 

We use a shredding system that permanently destroys the drives making data retrieval impossible. 

Transparent access to documentation

PICS will provide full certificates of destruction (COD) that are detailed to component level. All documentation is held on our secure asset management platform which our customers can access for 6 years. 

PICS Telecom’ Recycling service brand card.

Contact usbrowse our success stories or learn more about PICS, our products and/or services here.

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